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Solved ntdll.dll makes Overwatch 2 crash

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I've been trying to play Overwatch 2, however when I press Play, it opens for a split second and then shuts down again. I went into the system information tool and looked at what was causing it and it says the following: "the error appeard in Overwatch.exe, the error happened in the module with the name ntdll.dll".

Thankful for any replies!

Try this.

And quote:

How do I fix Ntdll DLL error?

The ntdll. dll error you're receiving could be due to a one-time, temporary issue and a simple reboot may resolve the problem completely. Reinstall the program if the error only displays when you use a specific program. If the software program has any updates or service packs available, install them, too.
Haha now I feel like an idiot. Thanks for the help, I've had a bunch of issues with my pc the last week including this and after fixing everything else after one change while this didn't work I thought it would be something more difficult to fix.
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