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No signal detected

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PCHF Member
Jan 20, 2020
About 3 weeks ago I was on my PC listening to a playlist on Spotify and my PC completely freezers my headset makes a horrible bugging sound and my only option is to turn it off it's by pressing the main power button on my PC after that I try and turn it back on but unfortunately it's stuck in a BIOS loop which turned out it was a ram problem but from here it then got stuck in a new problem where are the monitor kept telling me something was plugged in but wasn't detecting anything fron my pc I called over a few friends and from there we started exchanging parts CPUs and cables we tried taking the RAM out again which strangely put it back into a BIOS loop which was fixed instantaneously by just putting the RAM back in the opposite spots we tried everything we can think of any suggestions would be helpful
Welcome to PCHF Mcjaydog21,

A "No Signal" message means that the monitor detects that it is connected to a video port but there is a problem with the graphics solution or associated component.

Please provide information about your computer, is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better assist you.
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