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Solved Need Help. New PC is having many performance issues.

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PCHF Member
Jun 11, 2024
Hello All I am reaching out here to see if anyone can help. A little back story I have had my pc for about 3 months now. I had bought all the parts myself and built it myself for my first build by myself. Well I ended up having some pretty major issues like:

- In many games like Destiny 2, Fortnite, and Terraria ranging all settings from low to ultra my game would hard freeze. I would not get any temperature drops or frame drops but the game would seemingly stop entirely from any where from a few seconds to the longest being almost a minute

- If the game does not have issues with freezing I often have issues with input lags or delays for example in 7 days to die if I hold W if i will walk forward for a few seconds, or two minutes straight

- Many times watching videos (YouTube or streaming services) it would freeze and lag just like the games would.

An issue with finding the issues is sometimes its inconsistent and they don't appear for entire play session and sometimes they are there from the beginning even with restarting the system, but system restarts do seem to help a little or at least fend off the issues.

I had these issues with only one monitor or two monitors, but I also had an issue where I could not slot 4 RAM sticks into my motherboard. So I took it back to Microcenter and have lots of diagnosing they found out that the motherboard is faulty and they were able to get 4 sticks of RAM working as well they said games were running smooth and not freezing. As well as all other parts have passed and are not faulty or defective. I get my pc back and the same day it has the same issues, but much less severe and far more manageable. It has been about a week since then and the issues have returned in full force. The only thing that makes it slightly better is completely unhooking on of my two monitors, but the issues are still present. Compared to my last PC build all my parts are vast upgrades and I never had any issues like this at all with my old build.

If anyone could think of anything I could try or help me out with this situation would be greatly appreciated.

I'll tag you some help. @Bruce @PeterOz @xrobwx71

But these guys will need some information from your machine, we ask that you provide this information....... help us help you.

Please download MiniToolBox and save it to your desktop.
Run the program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.
When the program opens check mark Select All Then hit GO
Please post the log in your next reply. Attach or copy and paste, whatever is easier for you.

Speccy Scan.

  • Please go here and download Speccy.
  • Install and run the program.
  • Upon Completion:
  • Hit File
  • Publish Snap Shot
  • A link will appear, post that link.
MiniToolBox by Farbar Version: 13-05-2022
Ran by mannr (administrator) on 12-06-2024 at 20:35:21
Running from "C:\Users\mannr\Desktop"
Microsoft Windows 11 Home  (X64)
Model: MS-7E12 Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
Boot Mode: Normal

========================= Flush DNS: ===================================

Windows IP Configuration

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

========================= IE Proxy Settings: ==============================

Proxy is not enabled.
No Proxy Server is set.

"Reset IE Proxy Settings": IE Proxy Settings were reset.
========================= Hosts content: =================================
========================= IP Configuration: ================================

Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller = Ethernet 3 (Connected)
RZ616 Wi-Fi 6E 160MHz = Wi-Fi 2 (Media disconnected)
Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) = Bluetooth Network Connection 2 (Media disconnected)

# ----------------------------------
# IPv4 Configuration
# ----------------------------------
pushd interface ipv4

set global
set interface interface="Ethernet (Kernel Debugger)" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Ethernet" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Bluetooth Network Connection" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Wi-Fi" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Local Area Connection* 9" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Local Area Connection* 10" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Ethernet 3" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Wi-Fi 2" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Local Area Connection* 11" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Bluetooth Network Connection 2" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled
set interface interface="Local Area Connection* 12" forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled nud=enabled ignoredefaultroutes=disabled

# End of IPv4 configuration

Windows IP Configuration

   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Tys_Gaming_PC
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : hsd1.in.comcast.net

Ethernet adapter Ethernet 3:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : hsd1.in.comcast.net
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller #2
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : D8-43-AE-5F-AB-E7
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2601:801:4200:ea00::b4c1(Preferred)
   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Monday, June 10, 2024 9:51:48 PM
   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Sunday, June 16, 2024 7:40:10 PM
   IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2601:801:4200:ea00:c6af:33d5:da0f:9086(Preferred)
   Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2601:801:4200:ea00:ad2a:ca40:8a1d:28d5(Preferred)
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::6af5:8eb8:788e:2371%21(Preferred)
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Monday, June 10, 2024 9:51:47 PM
   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Friday, June 14, 2024 7:40:07 PM
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::82da:c2ff:fe99:17d7%21
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
   DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 332940206
   DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-2D-E9-67-C5-74-56-3C-BF-4B-CF
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:558:feed::1
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi 2:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : RZ616 Wi-Fi 6E 160MHz
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : FC-B0-DE-6F-37-15
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

Wireless LAN adapter Local Area Connection* 11:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #3
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : FE-B0-DE-6F-17-35
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

Wireless LAN adapter Local Area Connection* 12:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #4
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : FE-B0-DE-6F-07-25
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network Connection 2:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : FC-B0-DE-6F-37-16
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Server:  cdns01.comcast.net
Address:  2001:558:feed::1

Name:    google.com
Addresses:  2607:f8b0:4009:809::200e

Pinging google.com [2607:f8b0:4009:817::200e] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2607:f8b0:4009:817::200e: time=28ms
Reply from 2607:f8b0:4009:817::200e: time=23ms

Ping statistics for 2607:f8b0:4009:817::200e:
    Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 23ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 25ms
Server:  cdns01.comcast.net
Address:  2001:558:feed::1

Name:    yahoo.com
Addresses:  2001:4998:44:3507::8001

Pinging yahoo.com [2001:4998:24:120d::1:1] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2001:4998:24:120d::1:1: time=76ms
Reply from 2001:4998:24:120d::1:1: time=75ms

Ping statistics for 2001:4998:24:120d::1:1:
    Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 75ms, Maximum = 76ms, Average = 75ms

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
Interface List
 21...d8 43 ae 5f ab e7 ......Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller #2
 12...fc b0 de 6f 37 15 ......RZ616 Wi-Fi 6E 160MHz
 22...fe b0 de 6f 17 35 ......Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #3
 16...fe b0 de 6f 07 25 ......Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #4
  4...fc b0 de 6f 37 16 ......Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2
  1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1

IPv4 Route Table
Active Routes:
Network Destination        Netmask          Gateway       Interface  Metric
     25         On-link    281         On-link    281         On-link    281         On-link    331         On-link    331         On-link    331         On-link    331         On-link    281         On-link    331         On-link    281
Persistent Routes:

IPv6 Route Table
Active Routes:
 If Metric Network Destination      Gateway
 21    281 ::/0                     fe80::82da:c2ff:fe99:17d7
  1    331 ::1/128                  On-link
 21    281 2601:801:4200:ea00::/64  On-link
 21    281 2601:801:4200:ea00::b4c1/128
 21    281 2601:801:4200:ea00:ad2a:ca40:8a1d:28d5/128
 21    281 2601:801:4200:ea00:c6af:33d5:da0f:9086/128
 21    281 fe80::/64                On-link
 21    281 fe80::6af5:8eb8:788e:2371/128
  1    331 ff00::/8                 On-link
 21    281 ff00::/8                 On-link
Persistent Routes:
========================= Winsock entries =====================================

Catalog5 01 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\napinsp.dll [68696] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog5 02 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pnrpnsp.dll [71680] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog5 03 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pnrpnsp.dll [71680] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog5 04 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog5 05 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winrnr.dll [45496] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog5 06 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wshbth.dll [54272] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog5 07 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nlansp_c.dll [100864] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 01 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 02 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 03 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 04 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 05 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 06 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 07 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 08 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 09 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 10 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 11 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 12 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 13 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
Catalog9 14 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswsock.dll [321408] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 01 C:\Windows\System32\napinsp.dll [104712] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 02 C:\Windows\System32\pnrpnsp.dll [110592] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 03 C:\Windows\System32\pnrpnsp.dll [110592] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 04 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 05 C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll [79896] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 06 C:\Windows\System32\wshbth.dll [86016] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog5 07 C:\Windows\System32\nlansp_c.dll [159744] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 01 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 02 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 03 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 04 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 05 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 06 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 07 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 08 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 09 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 10 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 11 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 12 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 13 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)
x64-Catalog9 14 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll [439520] (Microsoft Corporation)

========================= Event log errors: ===============================

Application errors:
Error: (06/10/2024 09:51:07 PM) (Source: VSS) (EventID: 13) (User: )
Description: Volume Shadow Copy Service information: The COM Server with CLSID {4e14fba2-2e22-11d1-9964-00c04fbbb345} and name CEventSystem cannot be started. [0x8007045b, A system shutdown is in progress.

Error: (06/10/2024 09:20:03 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: XboxGameBarWidgets.exe, version: 2405.1001.6.0, time stamp: 0x6650f325
Faulting module name: Windows.UI.Xaml.dll, version: 10.0.22621.3527, time stamp: 0xac70373e
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000002c80a6
Faulting process id: 0x0x5fe8
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dabb94d618e096
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.GamingApp_2405.1001.6.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\XboxGameBarWidgets.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.Xaml.dll
Report Id: 48a5609d-dce5-45fa-9215-d69ea2efc5f8
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.GamingApp_2405.1001.6.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: Microsoft.Xbox.WidgetsApp

Error: (06/09/2024 10:26:31 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Perflib) (EventID: 1023) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: Windows cannot load the extensible counter DLL "C:\Windows\system32\sysmain.dll" (Win32 error code 126).

Error: (06/05/2024 05:41:33 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: GameBar.exe, version: 7.124.5142.0, time stamp: 0x664401d5
Faulting module name: GameBar.exe, version: 7.124.5142.0, time stamp: 0x664401d5
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000062557a
Faulting process id: 0x0x751c
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dab79119865cca
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_7.124.5142.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\GameBar.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_7.124.5142.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\GameBar.exe
Report Id: 5bd2ef5c-6064-40da-ab61-db52792f5d16
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_7.124.5142.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: App

Error: (06/05/2024 05:29:54 PM) (Source: Application Hang) (EventID: 1002) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: The program GameBar.exe version 7.124.5142.0 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel.

Error: (06/04/2024 08:18:38 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66169a24
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22621.3527, time stamp: 0x92b2df34
Exception code: 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x000000000010c769
Faulting process id: 0x0x63fc
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dab6db13580a02
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\SteelSeries\GG\apps\moments\SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: e9486818-aa79-40b9-9140-d77863e704a0
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Error: (06/03/2024 07:44:36 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: XboxGameBarWidgets.exe, version: 2405.1001.6.0, time stamp: 0x6650f325
Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.22621.3593, time stamp: 0x10c46e71
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x000000000007e008
Faulting process id: 0x0xab0
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dab60ad5e28773
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.GamingApp_2405.1001.6.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\XboxGameBarWidgets.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll
Report Id: 71c75f53-be12-4906-94d4-ae00b71bbea3
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.GamingApp_2405.1001.6.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: Microsoft.Xbox.WidgetsApp

Error: (06/03/2024 07:09:30 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66169a24
Faulting module name: SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66169a24
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x0000000000039ead
Faulting process id: 0x0x7ab0
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dab60ac7944488
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\SteelSeries\GG\apps\moments\SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\SteelSeries\GG\apps\moments\SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe
Report Id: 63ea11d0-2980-46c4-afb7-e5d91e5fc0d0
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Error: (06/02/2024 09:09:46 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66169a24
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22621.3527, time stamp: 0x92b2df34
Exception code: 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x000000000010c769
Faulting process id: 0x0xa068
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dab54d9242214e
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\SteelSeries\GG\apps\moments\SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: d86635bb-ba4f-4d83-84d5-cd543e8f0420
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Error: (06/02/2024 08:01:28 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Faulting application name: SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66169a24
Faulting module name: SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66169a24
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x0000000000039ead
Faulting process id: 0x0x5904
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1dab5491587d8f3
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\SteelSeries\GG\apps\moments\SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\SteelSeries\GG\apps\moments\SteelSeriesCaptureSvc.exe
Report Id: 6d1caa1b-1ccf-4172-bb56-e4f908fd5aac
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

System errors:
Error: (06/10/2024 09:51:05 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10010) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Event-ID 10010

Error: (06/10/2024 09:51:04 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10010) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Event-ID 10010

Error: (06/10/2024 07:53:10 PM) (Source: EventLog) (EventID: 6008) (User: )
Description: The previous system shutdown at 10:54:02 PM on ‎6/‎9/‎2024 was unexpected.

Error: (06/10/2024 07:52:54 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Boot) (EventID: 29) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: 3221225684A fatal error occurred processing the restoration data.

Error: (06/06/2024 09:50:28 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient) (EventID: 20) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: 0x80073d029NZ1BJQN6BHL-AdvancedMicroDevicesInc-2.AMDRadeonSoftware{baa74acf-ea02-45ff-96ed-e6985c868874}1{855e8a7c-ecb4-4ca3-b045-1dfa50104289}

Error: (06/06/2024 09:35:05 PM) (Source: EventLog) (EventID: 6008) (User: )
Description: The previous system shutdown at 9:51:45 PM on ‎6/‎5/‎2024 was unexpected.

Error: (06/06/2024 09:34:53 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Boot) (EventID: 29) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: 3221225684A fatal error occurred processing the restoration data.

Error: (06/04/2024 04:54:03 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient) (EventID: 20) (User: NT AUTHORITY)
Description: 0x80073d029NCBCSZSJRSB-SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic{1c309fe8-74db-4ecf-836f-d139fdfd9340}1{855e8a7c-ecb4-4ca3-b045-1dfa50104289}

Error: (06/03/2024 09:49:02 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10005) (User: TYS_GAMING_PC)
Description: Event-ID 10005

Error: (06/03/2024 09:49:02 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: )
Description: The BcastDVRUserService_65bd5 service failed to start due to the following error:
%%1053 = The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Windows Defender:
Date: 2024-04-13 13:03:52
Microsoft Defender Antivirus scan has been stopped before completion.
Scan Type: Antimalware
Scan Parameters: Quick Scan

CodeIntegrity Errors:
Date: 2024-06-12 20:00:13
Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Norton Security\Engine\\symamsi.dll that did not meet the Windows signing level requirements.

=========================== Installed Programs ============================

7 Days to Die (HKLM\...\Steam App 251570) (Version:  - The Fun Pimps)
AIDA64 Extreme v7.00 (HKLM-x32\...\AIDA64 Extreme_is1) (Version: 7.00 - FinalWire Ltd.)
AMD Ryzen Master (HKLM\...\AMD Ryzen Master) (Version: - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
AMD Ryzen Master SDK (HKLM\...\{DBD50508-5F75-416B-995D-C42433A00944}) (Version: - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
AMD Software (HKLM\...\AMD Catalyst Install Manager) (Version: 24.5.1 - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
AMD_Chipset_Drivers (HKLM-x32\...\{42e5a8d4-8fb0-48a1-9063-fc159c7566a0}) (Version: - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) Hidden
Balatro (HKLM\...\Steam App 2379780) (Version:  - LocalThunk)
BlueStacks App Player (HKLM\...\BlueStacks_nxt) (Version: - now.gg, Inc.)
Borderlands 2 (HKLM\...\Steam App 49520) (Version:  - Gearbox Software)
Branding64 (HKLM\...\{492AEFBE-1B81-4C20-A111-E6974BB98EC5}) (Version: 1.00.0009 - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) Hidden
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (HKLM\...\Steam App 311210) (Version:  - Treyarch)
Clone Hero version v1.0.0.4080-final (HKLM\...\{7AB59751-7472-4CE0-BF7A-463B21A45046}_is1) (Version: v1.0.0.4080-final - Clone Hero Team)
CPUID CPU-Z MSI 2.08 (HKLM\...\CPUID CPU-Z MSI_is1) (Version: 2.08 - CPUID, Inc.)
Destiny 2 (HKLM\...\Steam App 1085660) (Version:  - Bungie)
Dragon (HKLM-x32\...\{3C8FA4F4-8471-4C60-9002-9B9F78B7B483}) (Version: 6 - Realtek)
Dropbox Redeem Launcher (HKLM-x32\...\{D606A7F3-60CF-47A8-97D8-46849E8BFFFE}}_is1) (Version: - MSI)
EasyTuneEngineService (HKLM-x32\...\{964575C3-5820-4642-A89A-754255B5EFE1}) (Version: 1.24.0321 - GIGABYTE) Hidden
EasyTuneEngineService (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{964575C3-5820-4642-A89A-754255B5EFE1}) (Version: 1.24.0321 - GIGABYTE)
ELDEN RING (HKLM\...\Steam App 1245620) (Version:  - FromSoftware Inc.)
ENE Video Capture Box HAL (HKLM\...\{A096611D-BA11-4A1A-8D09-0A0462D7C8F2}) (Version: - Ene Tech.) Hidden
ENE Video Capture Box HAL (HKLM-x32\...\{974259bf-3ed1-4cd6-9ed1-40c7f601a786}) (Version: - Ene Tech.) Hidden
ENE_DRAM_RGB_AIO (HKLM\...\{5B5CE185-F845-487D-824D-9D02A8B778FB}) (Version: - Ene Tech.) Hidden
ENE_DRAM_RGB_AIO (HKLM-x32\...\{661c7ac8-4c45-4772-ba1d-090085dde688}) (Version: - Ene Tech.) Hidden
ENE_EHD_M2_HAL (HKLM\...\{37A48B7F-D4EA-4863-844E-A284E2AA3C5D}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
ENE_EHD_M2_HAL (HKLM-x32\...\{0d380ad9-daa5-4680-ada2-dc3ed9207e16}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
ENE_External_Device_HAL (HKLM\...\{2B8E611F-0B51-4FAC-87BB-AF50D82E7DDA}) (Version: - ENE Tech) Hidden
ENE_External_Device_HAL (HKLM-x32\...\{5d3c3229-f8ae-4c6c-9db7-7231adc1ff08}) (Version: - ENE Tech) Hidden
ENE_MousePad_HAL (HKLM\...\{9E97178A-ADB8-4778-BE60-7E28E2A72721}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
ENE_MousePad_HAL (HKLM-x32\...\{c2c794a4-7986-4c45-884d-d4ca43b88df9}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
ENE_X_AIC_HAL (HKLM\...\{CF703694-01C6-4062-B797-84DB215662BC}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
ENE_X_AIC_HAL (HKLM-x32\...\{c662a481-d76a-4188-95d2-6eb4ffd55542}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
Epic Games Launcher (HKLM-x32\...\{B85FAA6E-A9AA-4655-9029-E1A4EDC05E1A}) (Version: - Epic Games, Inc.)
Epic Games Launcher Prerequisites (x64) (HKLM\...\{F9C5C994-F6B9-4D75-B3E7-AD01B84073E9}) (Version: - Epic Games, Inc.) Hidden
Epic Online Services (HKLM-x32\...\{57A956AB-4BCC-45C6-9B40-957E4E125568}) (Version: - Epic Games, Inc.)
GBT_MB_Update (HKLM\...\GBT_MB_Update) (Version: - GIGABYTE)
GBT_RGB_Sync_Control (HKLM\...\GBT_RGB_Sync_Control) (Version: - GIGABYTE)
GBT_rgbMotherboard_UC (HKLM\...\GBT_rgbMotherboard_UC) (Version: - GIGABYTE)
GBTECService (HKLM-x32\...\{759D7F2F-1F0D-461E-A3CD-BF58FC60DB2F}) (Version: 1.24.0119 - Gigabyte) Hidden
GBTECService (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{759D7F2F-1F0D-461E-A3CD-BF58FC60DB2F}) (Version: 1.24.0119 - Gigabyte)
GIGABYTE Control Center (HKLM\...\GIGABYTE Control Center) (Version: - GIGABYTE)
GIGABYTE Performance Library (HKLM\...\MBEasyTune) (Version: - GIGABYTE)
GIGABYTE Storage Library (HKLM\...\MBStorage) (Version: - GIGABYTE)
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition (HKLM\...\Steam App 12210) (Version:  - Rockstar North)
Hades (HKLM\...\Steam App 1145360) (Version:  - Supergiant Games)
Hades II (HKLM\...\Steam App 1145350) (Version:  - Supergiant Games)
HELLDIVERS™ 2 (HKLM\...\Steam App 553850) (Version:  - Arrowhead Game Studios)
Launcher Prerequisites (x64) (HKLM-x32\...\{43a03b9c-4770-409c-a999-587b60700b63}) (Version: - Epic Games, Inc.) Hidden
Microsoft Update Health Tools (HKLM\...\{C6FD611E-7EFE-488C-A0E0-974C09EF6473}) (Version: - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 (HKLM\...\{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}) (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation)
MSI Center SDK (HKLM-x32\...\{15289038-41BE-48F8-B8B9-0B1021D3089E}}_is1) (Version: 3.2024.0522.01 - MSI)
Norton 360 (HKLM-x32\...\NGC) (Version: - NortonLifeLock Inc)
NVIDIA FrameView SDK 1.3.8513.32290073 (HKLM\...\{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_FrameViewSdk) (Version: 1.3.8513.32290073 - NVIDIA Corporation)
NVIDIA GeForce Experience (HKLM\...\{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.GFExperience) (Version: - NVIDIA Corporation)
NVIDIA Graphics Driver 555.85 (HKLM\...\{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.Driver) (Version: 555.85 - NVIDIA Corporation)
NVIDIA HD Audio Driver (HKLM\...\{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_HDAudio.Driver) (Version: - NVIDIA Corporation)
NVIDIA PhysX System Software 9.23.1019 (HKLM\...\{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.PhysX) (Version: 9.23.1019 - NVIDIA Corporation)
NZXT CAM 4.64.3 (HKLM\...\ac0666ae-ee66-5310-ac01-9d6348133b2d) (Version: 4.64.3 - NZXT, Inc.)
Patriot Viper M2 SSD RGB (HKLM\...\{8B4C0A3D-C135-4E1F-98D8-3926494B4D61}) (Version: - Patriot Memory) Hidden
Patriot Viper M2 SSD RGB (HKLM-x32\...\{07236f40-ec25-4646-8cb6-b6aaf1597324}) (Version: - Patriot Memory) Hidden
Promontory_GPIO Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{B5512BCC-F4CD-4159-86A4-B2AD7D38FFA9}) (Version: - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) Hidden
Razer Synapse (HKLM-x32\...\Razer Synapse) (Version: 3.9.0430.042305 - Razer Inc.)
Realtek Audio Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}) (Version: 6.0.9648.1 - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)
Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 11.16.1123.2023 - Realtek)
Realtek PCI-E Wireless LAN WiFi 6 Driver (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{F226CA8A-6F3D-429b-B310-776FEA12B17E}) (Version: Drv_3.00.0042 - REALTEK Semiconductor Corp.)
Risk of Rain 2 (HKLM\...\Steam App 632360) (Version:  - Hopoo Games)
RyzenMasterSDK (HKLM\...\{A4C57FE6-B033-4436-ADB6-3BCDB7616D69}) (Version: - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) Hidden
Samsung Magician (HKLM-x32\...\{29AE3F9F-7158-4ca7-B1ED-28A73ECDB215}_is1) (Version: - Samsung Electronics)
Smart Backup (x64) (HKLM\...\{BC1FA5CF-A36F-4C61-9638-09D0B431B006}) (Version: 3.22.0826.1 - Gigabyte) Hidden
Smart Backup (x64) (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{BC1FA5CF-A36F-4C61-9638-09D0B431B006}) (Version: 3.22.0826.1 - Gigabyte)
Star Rail (HKLM\...\Star Rail) (Version: - COGNOSPHERE PTE. LTD.)
Steam (HKLM-x32\...\Steam) (Version: - Valve Corporation)
SteelSeries GG 63.0.0 (HKLM\...\SteelSeries GG) (Version: 63.0.0 - SteelSeries ApS)
Terraria (HKLM\...\Steam App 105600) (Version:  - Re-Logic)
THX Spatial Audio USB 1532-051E (HKLM\...\{2EE7BE17-CDD3-492F-A0C9-ECD65F7882A1}) (Version: - THX)
THX Spatial Audio USB 1532-051E (HKLM\...\{3C358C7A-2AEE-4F86-8E4F-DCA2238B25FF}) (Version: - THX) Hidden
THX V3 APO Presets (HKLM\...\{2B05BA46-22B8-4EF8-BF7E-E6DCF8AED84A}) (Version: - THX) Hidden
THX V3 APO Presets (HKLM-x32\...\{ba357848-8d26-4deb-af77-8f593718db91}) (Version: - THX) Hidden
tModLoader (HKLM\...\Steam App 1281930) (Version:  - TML Team)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (HKLM\...\Steam App 2221490) (Version:  - Ubisoft)
Verbatim_SureFireGaming_Product (HKLM\...\{35CB65C6-A7E3-4EE7-AD40-738D70A72164}) (Version: - Verbatim) Hidden
Verbatim_SureFireGaming_Product (HKLM-x32\...\{d601832a-0d94-46ce-9b19-78e8a5887313}) (Version: - Verbatim) Hidden
Void Bastards (HKLM\...\Steam App 857980) (Version:  - Blue Manchu)
Watch Dogs: Legion (HKLM\...\Steam App 2239550) (Version:  - Ubisoft Toronto)
WD P40 Game Drive (HKLM\...\{EE55DBAE-ECDD-4ADD-AAB5-23DE848B0996}) (Version: - Western Digital Corporation) Hidden
WD P40 Game Drive (HKLM-x32\...\{72b1a866-fc31-4381-bff3-fa6cd8823777}) (Version: - Western Digital Corporation) Hidden
WD_BLACK AN1500 (HKLM\...\{085E2365-0A70-4230-B664-02D5E4FE7E9C}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
WD_BLACK AN1500 (HKLM-x32\...\{9c94735f-73fd-4b0f-9ddb-8be7b3cc4681}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
WD_BLACK D50 (HKLM\...\{BDE43F26-5917-44F8-B86A-F1D9A6B80B32}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden
WD_BLACK D50 (HKLM-x32\...\{a1d1ba00-92b7-4a99-8ebd-65b25c0e9e44}) (Version: - ENE TECHNOLOGY INC.) Hidden

AMD Radeon Software -> C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext [2024-06-12] (0)
Bluetooth® Profile Pack -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.BluetoothProfilePack_0.23082.3.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-05-11] (Microsoft Corporation)
Cortana -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.549981C3F5F10_4.2308.1005.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
Dead Cells: Fatal Falls -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MotionTwin.2522545F5A462_1.0.0.0_x64__rtjy889c6zgtg [2024-04-28] (Motion Twin)
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MotionTwin.DeadCellsReturntoCastlevania_1.0.0.0_x64__rtjy889c6zgtg [2024-04-28] (Motion Twin)
Dead Cells: The Bad Seed -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MotionTwin.BadSeedWin10_1.0.4.0_x64__rtjy889c6zgtg [2024-04-28] (Motion Twin)
Dead Cells: The Queen and the Sea -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MotionTwin.24138FD80C941_1.0.4.0_x64__rtjy889c6zgtg [2024-04-28] (Motion Twin)
Microsoft Family -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MicrosoftCorporationII.MicrosoftFamily_0.2.40.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corp.)
Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.CBS -> C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.CBS_8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-13] (Microsoft Corporation)
MotionTwin.DeadCellsWin10 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MotionTwin.DeadCellsWin10_1.24.1.0_x64__rtjy889c6zgtg [2024-04-21] (Motion Twin)
MSI Center -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\9426MICRO-STARINTERNATION.MSICenter_2.0.37.0_x64__kzh8wxbdkxb8p [2024-06-02] (MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD) [Startup Task]
MSI Game Bar -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\9426MICRO-STARINTERNATION.MSIGameBar_2.0.21.0_x64__kzh8wxbdkxb8p [2024-06-02] (MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD)
ms-resource://MicrosoftCorporationII.QuickAssist/resources/APP_WINDOW_NAME -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MicrosoftCorporationII.QuickAssist_2.0.30.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corp.)
ms-resource://MicrosoftWindows.CrossDevice/CrossDevice.Core/Resources/PackageName -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MicrosoftWindows.CrossDevice_1.24051.39.0_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy [2024-05-29] (Microsoft Windows) [Startup Task]
ms-resource:AppStoreName -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.RawImageExtension_2.3.1221.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-05-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
ms-resource:AppStoreName -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.DevHome_0.1400.505.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-05-21] (Microsoft Corporation)
ms-resource:AppStoreName -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2024.11060.6017.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-06-12] (Microsoft Corporation) [Startup Task]
ms-resource:AppxManifest_DisplayName -> C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.PrintQueueActionCenter_cw5n1h2txyewy [2024-05-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
ms-resource:Clipchamp/AppName -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Clipchamp.Clipchamp_3.1.10420.0_neutral__yxz26nhyzhsrt [2024-06-02] (Microsoft Corp.)
ms-resource:CopilotProviderPackageDisplayName -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Ai.Copilot.Provider_1.0.3.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-14] (ms-resource:publisherDisplayName)
Norton Security -> C:\Program Files\Norton Security\Engine\ [2024-06-12] (0)
NVIDIA Control Panel -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\NVIDIACorp.NVIDIAControlPanel_8.1.966.0_x64__56jybvy8sckqj [2024-05-29] (NVIDIA Corp.)
Outlook for Windows -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OutlookForWindows_1.2024.424.300_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-05-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
PowerWash Simulator -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\39C668CD.PowerWashSimulator_19.2401.250.0_x64__r7bfsmp40f67j [2024-06-02] (Square Enix Ltd.)
Realtek Audio Control -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\RealtekSemiconductorCorp.RealtekAudioControl_1.51.324.0_x64__dt26b99r8h8gj [2024-06-02] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp)
Spotify Music -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic_1.239.578.0_x64__zpdnekdrzrea0 [2024-06-04] (Spotify AB) [Startup Task]
Windows CoPilot MSIX Pack -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CoPilot_724.1301.930.5_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy [2024-04-17] (Microsoft Windows)
Windows Feature Experience Pack -> C:\Windows\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.Core_cw5n1h2txyewy [2024-05-15] (Microsoft Windows)
Windows Feature Experience Pack -> C:\Windows\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.FileExp_cw5n1h2txyewy [2024-05-15] (Microsoft Windows)
Windows Feature Experience Pack -> C:\Windows\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.LKG_cw5n1h2txyewy [2024-05-15] (Microsoft Windows)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.1 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.1_1005.616.1651.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.1 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.1_1005.616.1651.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.2 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.2_2000.802.31.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.2 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.2_2000.802.31.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.3 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.3_3000.934.1904.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.3 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.3_3000.934.1904.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-15] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.4 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.4_4000.1136.2333.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.4 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.4_4000.1136.2333.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-04-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5_5001.119.156.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-05-10] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5_5001.159.55.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-06-12] (Microsoft Corporation)
WindowsAppRuntime.1.5 -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.5_5001.159.55.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe [2024-06-12] (Microsoft Corporation)

========================= Devices: ================================

========================= Memory info: ===================================

Percentage of memory in use: 19%
Total physical RAM: 64627.48 MB
Available physical RAM: 51840.02 MB
Total Virtual: 76915.48 MB
Available Virtual: 60509.91 MB

========================= Partitions: =====================================

1 Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:1675.99 GB) (Free:683.95 GB) NTFS

========================= Users: ========================================

User accounts for \\TYS_GAMING_PC

Administrator            DefaultAccount           Guest                   
mannr                    WDAGUtilityAccount      

========================= Minidump Files ==================================

No minidump file found

========================= Restore Points ==================================

07-06-2024 01:50:15 Windows Update
07-06-2024 01:50:16 Windows Update
11-06-2024 01:19:47 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) - 14.40.33810
13-06-2024 00:28:34 Removed AMD_Chipset_Drivers.
13-06-2024 00:29:10 Installed AMD_Chipset_Drivers.
13-06-2024 00:30:49 Radeon Installer

**** End of log ****
Sorry for the delayed response y'all I got busy as soon as I posted this and just now had time to check it. I appreciate the help. Going to check on Drivers for chipset, but I think they are current
I suggest using this tool to regain privacy and turn off unneeded settings.

Remove Norton with GeekUninstaller Then reboot and run the removal tool. Norton Removal Tool.

Download DDU follow all directions to remove the Nvidia drivers.
Re-install Nvidia drivers with this tool, NVCleaninstall. Uncheck everything except the drivers.

Use Kill Em All -- This will close all non windows programs and running processes non essential to your computer. Note: This will close your browser, so save anything if needed prior to running. Use this tool after following the steps above, use this tool prior to starting your game, see how it goes.
Reset your Hosts file.

  1. Click here to download RstHosts v2.0\
  2. Save the file to your desktop.
  3. Right Click and Run as Administrator.
  4. Click on Restaurer, then click OK at the prompt.
  5. This will restore the default host file.

Find the best DNS server for your machine.

Don't forget to list your make/model of the power supply unit.

The RTX4080 card wants a min of 750w with 900w being the recommended. See here; https://support.lumion.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003476773-Which-power-supply-do-you-need

MTB shows a lot of application errors in XBox and SteelSeries.
Remove SteelSeries and check for a newer version, or even run with them for a while to see if that helps.
If you aren't playing XBox games, remove all XBox apps.

Looks like you have two sets of RAM in the PC.
Slots 1&2 have sticks dated week 39 and slots 3&4 are dated week 27.
So try just using one pair from the same week, even try just one stick, and seeing how things go. If still crashes, try the same stick in another slot and repeat in all slots to see if a slot is faulty.

Your motherboard supports your 4800Mhz RAM without over-clocking, so try turning off XMP mode in BIOS.
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Reactions: Malnutrition
I went through everything last night, had some issues with BIOS and not being able to boot again but got everything good and I haven't seen any bad news as of yesterday and today. Fingers crossed its not just a fluke.

Thank you all for your suggestions and help!
  • Like
Reactions: Malnutrition
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