Monitor goes black/pc freezes signal to monitor lost when gaming at random

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PCHF Member
Feb 24, 2023

CPUI: amd ryzen 5 3600x
Motherboard: x570s gaming x motherboard
GPU: 2080 super
OS: Windows 10

Can give further info if deemed relevant.

Recently in the last 24 hours, with no real changes or installs that I recall whatsoever, my computer has been freezing when playing certain games, and even one time while watching a twitch stream on firefox browser. I play multiple different games and the issue seems to happen more often on more intense games than others. Apex legends for example is my current game that I can instantly replicate the issue by simply launching the game and getting to the character screen. When the freeze happens my monitor goes completely black, I hear the usb disconnection sound in my headset, also some slight distortion like the system is lagging and hanging. Then the monitor will lose its signal entirely (the light on the power button of the monitor changes colors to indicate no signal) Im leaning towards my gpu being fault because after spending countless hours online trying to troubleshoot it myself I decided to underclock the GPU by a significant margin and try to play with the game. I then made it further inside the game than I did previously. Much further I was actually in a match playing when it happened again.

Side note: This exact issue happened over 6 months ago. I then did research aswell and was led to resetting the CMOS on the motherboard by removing the battery. After doing that, the system seemed to be fixed. I have performed this fix again but it did not yield the same results this time around. Coincidence?
Im no expert with event viewer, everything looks fine that I can see, other than a ton of security stuff, over 6,000 in the last hour seemed odd. But further research deemed this normal?

I have reinstalled games, I have updated all of my drivers and windows. I have tried multiple video drivers.
Let's get some more information:

Download and run the free version of speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:
  1. In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.
  2. In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.
  3. Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot dialog box. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

Please list your power supply unit
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