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Pending OP Response M27Q X monitor sometimes flickers black for a couple seconds then back on

This has been happening several times a day for several months now. I have a M27Q X monitor connected via DP to a RTX 4080 and another older monitor a HP22w connected with a HDMI cable. The issue only occurs 95% of the time with the main monitor with the remaining 5% happening with both at the same time. It just flickers black for 2 seconds and then back to normal. Tried reinstalling display drivers, new cables, rearranging cables, switching ports on the GPU, nothing seems to work.
Sorry but you have post on a tech forum asking for help but have provided very little information about your computer or it`s hardware, this makes it impossible for anyone to even hazard a guess as to what is going on.

Is the computer a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM ( including the amount, number of sticks and speed ) add on video card and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better help you.
Custom built:

OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU: i7-13700KF
GPU: RTX 4080
RAM: 32 Gb DDR5 (2x16 Gb Kingston)

PSU I have no idea and can't really check due to a disability. I do believe it was at least 1000W.
The PSU is a strong contender as the potential cause so we really could do with the info, any paperwork from when the parts were purchased or alternatively is there someone that you can ask to take the side off the case to get the info off the PSUs info sticker.

RAM: 32 Gb DDR5 (2x16 Gb Kingston)

What is the speed of the RAM.

I do believe it was over 1000W.

1000W sounds great but it means nothing if it is not one of the top brands and efficiency ratings.

Are you aware that having different specs of display causes issues as does using display adapters.
Found out, it's an Asus ROG STRIX 1000W. I should add that the PC was cleaned about a month ago and even changed the case for better airflow and replaced the CPU cooler for an AIO. The problems already occurred before all of this.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. My main display is 1440p at 240hz connect directly to the GPU with a DisplayPort cable. The other one is 1080p 60hz connected with an HDMI. I even separated both cables to the furthest ports on the GPU in case it was some sort of interference.
As was previously advised, using any form of adaptor and having different specification screens will 100% cause you issues and what I was asking was were you aware of this, see Will using two monitors with different resolutions result in scaling issues? info here
Now that we know that you are aware we can suggest the most obvious of tests for you to do (y)

Completely disconnect the second monitor and any adaptors and test by using the computer as you normally would, post back with an update when you are ready.

If the above goes okay we will then test your GPU and the one screen by having you run a couple of programs that we use.