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Linux Mint to Windows 10

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I just purchased a Dell Latitude computer.
After that, i purchased a brand new copy of a Windows 10 installation disc.
I do have the product key for that disc.
I want to know, in a simple guide, (not computer savvy), on how to start removing the LInux Mint,
and putting Windows 10 back on the laptop.
I was going to take the computer to a local, well known store for them to do it, but i nearly passed out
when they informed me of how much it would cost, and declare bankruptcy. All information that i can give
you, is that it is a 64 bit system.
I am hoping that someone can help me out.
Another thing is that i do not understand about the Terminal, and what you have to type.
Many thanks.
I just purchased a Dell Latitude computer.

Can you tell us the particular model number of the notebook, Dell has made numerous / different model numbers over the years, just how many can be seen here

i purchased a brand new copy of a Windows 10 installation disc.

Not many people do that nowadays as most new notebooks do not have an optical drive, hopefully yours does but no worries if not as you can always download an ISO on USB for free from Microsoft.

You will also need to download and install in the correct order the Dell system drivers, we will find this info for you once we have the required info.
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