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Installing the app Connect

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I'm trying to install the app Connect on Windows 10 Pro (the goal is to try and turn debugging on with a broken phone, see video 2).
For some reason I don't seem to be able to install this Connect app, I'm looking at what it seems a very easy video to follow (see video 1), but my Windows looks a bit different, for instance no Optional Features option, and I get lost in the process. I also see a message about not supporting Miracast, not sure if that's got anything to do with Connect.


Am I right in remembering the phone's screen is completely unusable?
If so, whatever solution you try is going to want something done on the phone; a setting changed, a pop-up prompt answered, an app installed.
Unless the screen can accept input, I'm not seeing a solution for you.

Let's see if @PeterOz has any further suggestions.
If the screen is accepting input or not I'm not sure, hence why I wanted to try this screenshots on the PC solution.

Other than that, I don't know, it seems to me daft that there is a hard drive in the phone and is not accessible, there must be a way round it. I can understand the SD card which was damaged, but the phone hard drive is there and working.
If so, whatever solution you try is going to want something done on the phone; a setting changed, a pop-up prompt answered, an app installed.
This from Microsoft.
On the device you're projecting from, go to the screen mirroring settings (sometimes called cast settings), and select your PC to connect to it.
, it seems to me daft that there is a hard drive in the phone and is not accessible
I have not opened that make of phone. However, phones do not as a rule do not have what is normally known as a harddrive.
It is normally an onboard chip.
Without knowing if you can navigate with the keyboard then you will not have much luck.
The next thing to try is to try and find someone with the same model and ask if they can navigate to the mirrorcast setting with just the keyboard.
If they can then you have a good chance of getting it to work.
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