How To Stop Annoying Continual Firefox Update Screens

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PCHF Member
Sep 16, 2016
How can I stop the annoying, continual Firefox "update available" screens (other than doing the update)? I am fed up with Firefox hounding me all day to update their browser. I close the screens but they keep coming. Firefox messes up the Bookmarks folder when it installs updates (closes all open bookmark folders) and I refuse to waste time again to go through them and open them individually. I think I saw somewhere on the forum that that someone also complained about this. I'm seriously considering telling Firefox to keep their browser and switching over to a better, less annoying browser (e.g. Opera) - unless someone knows how to turn off these update screens.


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    Annoying - 1.jpg
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Firefox does regularly produce updates and you would be well advised to install these updates to maintain security of the browser. If you do not appreciate Mozillas constant refinement of its browser then perhaps it is time you moved on.

Yes you can turn updates off by editing the registry or by using about:config, but the above statement still applies. Perhaps you could change Firefox options to suit you better?

Thank you for your post - but you did not address the issue of why I do not update Firefox. You place the problem on me whereas, as I explained, the problem is with Firefox and their BAD (Broken As Designed) code that closes all open bookmark folders. It is then impossible to locate most bookmarks unless I go to each bookmark folder and manually, individually open it. It is backwards logic to suggest that I have to accommodate Firefox' shortcomings, by a tedious and time consuming process, rather than Firefox serving the user community by fixing their poorly designed update code.
Uninstall the Mozilla Maintenance service. As well
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Thank you for your post - but you did not address the issue of why I do not update Firefox. You place the problem on me whereas, as I explained, the problem is with Firefox and their BAD (Broken As Designed) code that closes all open bookmark folders. It is then impossible to locate most bookmarks unless I go to each bookmark folder and manually, individually open it. It is backwards logic to suggest that I have to accommodate Firefox' shortcomings, by a tedious and time consuming process, rather than Firefox serving the user community by fixing their poorly designed update code.
I have updated Firefox many times recently, always saying "yes" to their popup. It downloads in the background, installs the next time I start Forefox, and I cannot remember the last time it messed with my bookmarks. It was several years ago.
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