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Pending OP Response Getting content off damaged laptop

Hi there!

A while back my laptop screen was damaged when a cat sat on my partially closed laptop with an object between the screen and the keyboard. While connecting the laptop to an independent modem allowed me to access my content for 15 mins, soon only odd shapes would show.

A computer repair shop said he can get the content off for $250. It will cost more due to a failing hard drive, I was told. Laptop was functioning okay prior to the screen being damaged.

Is there anything I can do myself to access and download my content. I don't want to spend $250 if I can help it and have concerns over the repair shop having access to my data, which private tax info etc.

I know it is important to backup content prior to this sort of event occurring but unfortunately this was not done.

Does anyone have any info, advice etc. on how I mght proceed with attempting to access the content on this laptop or is it unwise to even attempt it?

Many thanks!
I would consider removing the internal drive and putting into an external enclosure.
Remove the drive first so you know what sort of enclosure to get, but almost certain it'll need to be a 2.5" SATA enclosure that will connect via USB to some other PC so you can than extract your files.

But the internal drive may also be a m.2 SATA, or NVMe, or maybe even a proprietary type.
While connecting the laptop to an independent modem allowed me to access my content for 15 mins, soon only odd shapes would show.
I was told. Laptop was functioning okay prior to the screen being damaged.

First thing that I would be doing is connecting the notebook to an external screen to see if the video on that did the same as that of the notebooks own screen, if it doesn't you will be able to back up your data from within Windows and then look at investigating the screen and video cable/ribbon. if the same issue happens on the external screen you are looking at possible MB or associated hardware damage which means that you have nothing to lose by opening up the computer, remove the storage device, post back here with you findings and one of us will help with suggestions on any data recovery options.
Thanks everyone. It is an Asus N81V notebook. Model # is : 512AN_MMW. S/N# is: 94N0AS20428617B. First thing I did was to connect it to an external screen which worked for 15 mins or so before going blurry/ strange colours and being unable to see anything.
First thing I did was to connect it to an external screen which worked for 15 mins or so before going blurry/ strange colours and being unable to see anything.

You said in your OP that you connected the notebook to an independant modem not an external screen, this suggested that you had accessed the notebook remotely to access your data, not by looking at another screen that was attached to the problem computer.

Now we know what was actually done, overheating and the less likely chance of driver issues are the two main suspects.

Asus N81V notebook. Model # is : 512AN_MMW. S/N# is: 94N0AS20428617B.

Is that from 2009, if yes, has the insides ever been cleaned out of heat trapping dust, can you hear the internal cooling fan working as it should and do you at any time hear any beeps or unexplained noises.
I picked up the laptop second hand about five years ago. It may be a 2009 laptop.

Yes, the insides were clogged with dust. It used to freeze on me and when I opened it up it was pretty much blocked with dust. After clearing that out the best I could I didn't have issues with it freezing anymore for some time but is was beginning to freeze again every now and then. I figured I had to get any remaining dust out but could well have been the hard drive. I do remember some beeps as well. The internal cooling fan was working but the laptop would get hot before I got the dust out so that may have been rough on the hard drive. The computer shop thought the hard drive damage may have been caused by the external pressure that damaged the screen.

Sorry for the terminology mixup- I meant monitor or screen not modem.
It was brought in for diagnosis/ estimate on getting my files off the laptop. I now have it back while decide have them get the files off my drive, for $250, or attempt to do so myself. The screen is broken, in addition to the failing hard drive, so mainly I am aiming to get my files off the old drive. I wasn't planning to replace the drive.
External enclosures are about $20 so if you are happy to flip the laptop over and try removing the drive yourself, it should be a simple enough project.
I don't see how the cat closing the lid with something between the screen and the keyboard would damage the drive - screen yes, drive no.

Looks like the unit came out over 10 years ago, and has a HDD, so first question, is it worth spending big bucks on it, and if so, maybe consider replacing the HDD with a faster SDD.