Fps problems, don't know what to do.

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PCHF Member
Jul 19, 2020
Hello everyone,
First of all I want to say i'm not sure whether or not I should be posting this here but i'm getting quite annoyed by these problems.
So, recently me and my friend wanted to play some good old zombies and installed Call of Duty Black ops 3.
My friends game was perfectly fine, great in fact. great fps all the time without any problem. My game, on the other hand, was really weird. It wouldn't go past 10 fps and turning ALL the settings down would only improve it by 1 or 2 frames.

Now i'm not the biggest computer guy but I know some methods around solving most of my previous fps problems.. In the nvidia control panel i've assigned the rtx 2070 super to Black ops 3. obviously i've turned down all the in-game setting to low but to no avail. Also what should be noticed is that I have had zero problems with any other game than this one.
Previously, games have used my onboard gpu instead of my rtx 2070 super but I could always change them in-game OR through the nvidia control panel. This did NOT work here.

Also, I've just now stumbled across the fact that my main monitor is using the hdmi slot on the motherboard and my secondary monitor is using the hdmi port on the gpu. I've tried switching them but nothing changed. My monitors don't have any display ports so might this be the issue? Would I need to get new monitors?

My friend and I have pretty much the same specs being this:

Cpu: Intel Core i9 9900K
Gpu: Nvidia RTX 2070 Super
32 GB ram
(If you need anymore information please ask away)
Thanks in advance!
Also, I've just now stumbled across the fact that my main monitor is using the hdmi slot on the motherboard and my secondary monitor is using the hdmi port on the gpu.

Hello Biopticwharf,

Not a gamer so of no help with FPS I`m afraid but if not already aware, using both the onboard and the add on GPU means that your add on GPU will drop to the poorer performance of the onboard video, to test if this is the case here just disconnect the second monitor from the computer altogether, power up the computer then give the game a try using just the add on GPU.
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