Filezilla setup help

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PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2018
In the past I have used Filezilla to transfer files to my Games consoles HDD from my PC, having not done so for a good while I have forgotten how to setup Filezilla to do the same task.
When I open Filezilla, it only sees the File systems of mty PC and not anything else. How do I setup Filezilla to see my Consoles HDD and transfer files to it.
can you see the console's drive from File Explorer?
doesn't sound like a FileZilla issue, more a network, file sharing issue maybe.
FileZilla only sees what the PC can see.
I take it you have researched here

This works for me. I have a couple of devices that are invisible to the normal Windows network that can only be manipulated by FTP. They are currently off the network so the foillowing is an example. Open Filezilla, type in the address, username and password and it should show like a file manager does. Some devices can be entered anonymously.

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