Solved Feedback on my Order

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PCHF Member
Jul 19, 2024
Hello, what do we all think of this configuration?
Is there anything you would change and what do you think of the price?

Thanks for all feedback


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Is this a pre-built and delivered, or you build it yourself?
What will be it's main purpose?

The €4,300 is high, that's over $AUD7000, but considering the CPU is about $AUD800 and the GPU around $AUD1500, I'm not surprised. 🙂
You are obviously going for a high-end gaming rig, and for those you pay good money for.

The Corsair RMx 2021 range is rated Tier A - High End ( so good choice there, I'd like to see a little more wattage if it were mine, to cover future expansion.

Double check;
  • the GPU will fit inside the case
  • the PSU has all the connectors you need
  • the water radiator can be orientated where you want it (if building yourself)
Your memory is 6000MHz, that CPU only supports up to 5600 (even though the mobo supports 7800) memory.
And if you ever populate all 4 RAM slots, you mobo goes down to 5600.
See here;
• 1DPC 1R Max speed up to 7600+ MHz
• 1DPC 2R Max speed up to 6600+ MHz
• 2DPC 1R Max speed up to 6400+ MHz
• 2DPC 2R Max speed up to 5600+ MHz
I will use it for gaming as my current PC is somewhat broken (i had another thread covering all that).

I'm just tired of my setup shutting down or not supporting all the games i'd like to play after work...
It's not really pre-built but also not custom, you choose from a range of parts and the shop then shows you if its compatible or not, lets you up or downgrade your CPU, GPU etc.

Original price was 3.800€ and I put extra warranty and Windows as well as building fee.
The RAM was the one that came with it without any changes being made.

Now in a german forum they all said it was too much and I could get better experience for less money and told me to build it myself etc.
Also that the intel 14th gen had stability issues and that i should buy AMD, or that I could cut the price by alot if i didnt want any RGB... but I kind of want to fit it in my gaming room.

Thanks for the reply 🙂
Golden rule for PC's - you get what you pay for!
If you want high end, you have to pay for it.

Yes you could scrimp and save here and there, things like less warranty or build-it-yourself, but that'll depend on how handy you think you are with a screwdriver.
If you have no skin in the game, or don't want to have, leave it to the experts (and of course pay for that privilege).

RGB for me is a complete waste of money, yes it looks nice and flashy, but adds nothing to performance - but I fully admit, that's just me! It's your money - you do you Boo.

It looks like Intel has finally released a fix for the issues that some 13 or 14 gen chips have.
It may take some time for this to filter to the mobo brand you select for them to release their boards with the fix already applied, or you'll need to update your BIOS to the latest firmware as one of your first things to do.
Of course, and I'm ready to pay for what I get, I just wouldnt like to pay for more than what I get and these german guys cleary said that it is the case here, they even sent me some of their own shopping lists of apparantly "better performance and lower price". Let me grab one as an example real quick.
Look around online for other PC builders in the area, that way you'll get an idea of price ranges.
Tell the mob who supplied your current quote to change over to an equivalent AMD processor and motherboard and compare the cost.

As to picking either Intel or AMD - really there is nothing of note to differentiate the two.
AMD had a very slow, bad start all those years ago, but they are well over that.
Although myself, I am an Intel user, I would not object if I had to go AMD.
I'll check out some other shops tomorrow and ask in my local store if they could give me a good offer.

I dont really know the difference between intel and AMD I honestly thought there was no difference but they said Intel is good for rendering and AMD is good for Gaming because of some x3d stuff or something that intel doesnt have.

I might as well just grab all of those components and check them out on a different site, perhaps I'll see if it really costs that much or if the shop is trynna rip me off.

So you would say its good to be bought like that or should I change anything/look for cheaper etc.?
It's a pretty subjective area - not knowing your budget, future needs, personal preferences, etc...

All I can say is, if it was me, with experience in building rigs, there are some components I wouldn't get, and some options I have access to.
That's the thing, you have to work within the boundaries you have.

That first quote for example, while maybe high (or not), you at least know you have paid for long warranty, so there is that warm and fuzzy feeling. And a shop that charges more (maybe???) should invest that profit into better staff, and can pay there own bills, etc.... so that to me should equate to them being around longer.
Who knows.
I just checked on every component on some comparison website, I can get all the pieces for roughly 2800€, so I would basically pay over 1000€ extra for building, warranty and service? Now that made me rethink lol
The build cost would be an hour or so of time, so no biggie there.
But the warranty and service are like an insurance policy - if not used, you have not got benefit in your outlay, but if it is used, and that's the gamble, than that's when a cost of 1000 could be money well spent.
This is where you have to decide which way to go. 🙂
I picked out a config with a AMD CPU instead of Intel for comparison.
Which one do you all think would be the better choice?


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On the AMD config one I had no choice on thermal paste or anything tho, does it not need any?
Yeah, as said previously, I've never built AMD rigs, and very seldom use one - Intel fanboy from the get-go.
So I don't know how a Ryzen 9 should compare with an Intel 14th gen, or if they are even comparable.

As to thermal paste, most new processors already have a layer pre-applied for you, under a protective plastic guard.
Thanks for the help.
I just purchased a new PC and it will arrive soon, this thread can be closed if you want.
No worries.
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