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Ethernet port pin bent.

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I had recently done some installations to my pc and I noticed a pin in the Ethernet port is bent. The connection is still good. I am getting the same speed tests as before but I am just wanting to know if I should buy a new board to prevent future connection issues. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.
So other can assist let's get more information.

Can you attach an image showing the bent pin?

Bent in what way direction crossing another pin touching another pin?

Yes, you could buy a new network card and disable the onboard one.
the bent pin can't be important otherwise you would either not get a connection, or would have shorted something out if the pin was related to PoE.

in an ethernet cable, of the four pairs of wires, only 2 pairs are required to make a connection, so it sounds like you have gotten lucky, especially as it seems the bent pin is coming straight out rather than sideways towards the other pins.
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