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Dark Crystal Netflix series strategy game gets release date for PC and consoles


PCHF Tech News
Jan 10, 2015
One of the best Netflix series of recent months, Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, is getting a video game port – and it's a turn-based strategy game.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics has been announced for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, and will let you fight back against the wrath of the Skeksis overlords on your own terms in a tactical RPG featuring a brand new story.

The game was first announced back at E3 2019, though this is the first time we've seen an official release date and a final list of platforms.

The game's missions will reportedly run through "a never-seen-before sidestory that runs parallel to the Netflix Original Series," likely featuring a mix of old and new characters while expanding the lore of the show's planet Thra. It's set to launch on February 4, 2020.

A press release for the game cites the experience of BonusXP developers on the Civilization and Age of Empires franchises, promising "a game with both tactical depth for genre veterans and accessibility for those less familiar with turn-based-tactics titles."

There will also be "over 15 unique characters and jobs to build a party with" and "hundreds of different unit combinations to form strategies that fit their playstyle."

The prequel series was just the start

The Dark Crystal prequel series came as something of a surprise when it launched earlier this year, revisiting the world of the 1982 Jim Henson movie in a 10-episode season featuring a mix of live-action, puppetry, and animatronics – albeit with a smattering of CGI.

Given the original film took place after the society of Gelfling had been torn apart by Skeksis-led war, the show's creators had to invent a huge amount of background lore to ground the prequel series, bringing a vivid picture of the pre-war civilization to Netflix's small screens.

The game port is set to expand that, and fans of the Dark Crystal may be interested in what new tidbits they can learn – especially given the rumored second season of the series is still unconfirmed.


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