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In Progress Configuring Router for Multiple IPs

Hi all,

I currently have a single fixed IP. I host my own servers, life is good.

I would like to add more IPs so that I can route traffic between IPs and not just port forwarding. Eg, I would like a development server and a live server.

All of the hardware is in place and has been working very nicely for some time.

My ISP, Zen Internet, does not support router configuration for port forwarding or multiple IPs, but they will rent me an IP block.

I had one go at this and it failed because Zen would not support this configuration and I didn't know how.

As a sample, this is the IP information they gave me last time.

IP addresses: -
Subnet mask:
Subnet in slash notation:
Network address:
Broadcast address:
Router address:
Number of IP addresses usable by your hosts: 5

DSL connection
connected, ↓ 35.0 Mbit/s ↑ 6.2 Mbit/s
Internet, IPv4
connected since 08/05/2024, 01:15, Zen Internet
IPv4 address:
Internet, IPv6
connected since 08/05/2024, 01:15, Zen Internet
IPv6 address: 2a02:8011:d017:8262::1/64, valid: 258028/171628s
IPv6 prefix: 2a02:8012:8a3c::/48, valid: 258010/171610s
DNS servers used (currently used for standard queries)

As far as I can see this should be fairly straight forward process. I just need a step through for what goes where.

Is there anyone who could please help me with this?

Many thanks in advance,
So you are after more WAN IP addresses, that is, outward facing, public IP's?

Not sure of Zen's full range of services but they are an Internet Service Provider mainly so probably don't do what you are after.
I believe you'll want the services of a domain hosting mob. They can offer managed or self-managed Virtual Machines.
Sadly no.
The 254 addresses available are all I have needed.
I have run out of IP's but that was because the IP release figure was set to days rather than hours.
Changed that to 4 hours and haven't run out since.

I'll tag some other members in case they have skin in the game - @PeterOz @georgeks @Pyro @Bastet @phillpower2 @xrobwx71 @Malnutrition
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for your response!

I think you are referring to 254 internal IP addresses which can be allocated automatically via a DHCP server. Often an ISPs router is used for this.
This is not relevant to the external WAN IPs.

So you are after more WAN IP addresses, that is, outward facing, public IP's?

Not sure of Zen's full range of services but they are an Internet Service Provider mainly so probably don't do what you are after.
I believe you'll want the services of a domain hosting mob. They can offer managed or self-managed Virtual Machines.
Domain hosting is something else altogether.
ISPs do hold IP block ranges that they sell (rent) to customers.