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Cloning SSHD issue.

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I've been trying to clone an old 500gb SSHD (more than 6 years) that is giving integrity warnings that it may be failing.

However, it does not seem to have any issues when being accessed by Windows Explorer.

Yet, there seems to be something preventing part of the SSHD from being copied.

In every situation, the process bar will just stop at some point and never move beyond that. Like if I use a Partition/Disk Clone Softare, it just copies 20% (exactly 37,538mb) then stays there for literally one and a half days. (left it running in office over the weekend).

I tried it again, and within less than 30 minutes, it copied till exactly the same spot and refused to go any further.

When I try to do a Repair Corrupted Partition, it's been stuck at 95% for almost 2 hours now.

It's not like the PC hangs or anything like it's struggling to handle the load. I can move windows, click on buttons, run everything else smoothly.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
that is giving integrity warnings
something preventing part of the SSHD from being copied
These are very important clues.

If I had to guess, the drive has beyond repair corruption on certain parts of the disk. You give even more clues that point to this further in your post.

Do you have a previous backup/clone of this drive?
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