BSOD and crashs for almost 3 months and I can't find the problem.

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PCHF Member
Feb 17, 2020
Hello everyone,

Last year my father's pc started crashing and having BSOD almost everytime he were using it.

We tried the following:

- OS reset

- Clean installation of the OS

- Tested hardware ourselves. (Powersuply, Hard disk, Motherboard, RAM and CPU)

- Sent to techsupport to futher hardware testing.

After all that we have no idea what the problem was, the PC was not in use during December and we only used it again January this year and the PC was running fine, no problems at all. Then yesterday we got a BSOD, and a few minutes ago the PC crashed (no BSOD)in the same way as it was last year. It will only restart if we take out one of the RAM sticks ( if not there's no response from the cpu or HD when turning it on).

After all the testing we did the only thing I could find is that the crash happens after my father plays Euro Truck Simulator 2 (modded and not modded) which he always did since he bought the PC 3 years ago. I also played games on the same PC (Civilization 6 being the more demanding one) and there was no crash. After all that I really have no idea what can it be besides the game but considering the fact that my father use the PC almost exclusively to play ETS2, he will probably not stop so I'm trying to find if the problem may be elsewhere.

I'll be attaching the minidump from yesterday and a AIDA64 report with the hardware specs.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


Welcome to PCHF HollowHero,

Those two dmps are too old to be of any use, do you have any from the past couple of days.

Fwiw, the previous two dmps are pretty generic in that they were both nt related which would normally suggest a hardware issue, Chrome got a mention in the oldest dmp while svchost was flagged up in the second.
Welcome to PCHF HollowHero,

Those two dmps are too old to be of any use, do you have any from the past couple of days.

Fwiw, the previous two dmps are pretty generic in that they were both nt related which would normally suggest a hardware issue, Chrome got a mention in the oldest dmp while svchost was flagged up in the second.

Hi, thank you for your response.

There are two dmp files that I found on the folder minidump. One is indeed old, from 11 of december 2019. The other one though is from 16 of February 2020 a day prior to my post here or so I'm to believe because it's what I see in the file name. I may be wrong but I don't know where else I could find .dmp files. Those two are the only ones in C:\Windows\minidump.

I'll add a .rar file created using the Sysnative File Collection App that someone on another forum told me to do.

Hope that's better.

Edit: There was another crash early today, no BSOD and there's no .dmp file for this one. I used the Sysnative File Collection App after the crash but I'm not sure what the app does and if it will show the cause of the most recent crash.


Edit: There was another crash early today, no BSOD and there's no .dmp file for this one.
Not a Windows issue then.

As per what gus has advised above, MrPepka is waiting on info from you over at BC.

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