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bios updates

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im running a b450f gaming motherboard bios which is 3103 and there are several bios updates since then with better stability and performance fixes and other things to. would it be safe to flash to the latest bios which is 5201 i believe or should i download every bios in between?
We don't recommend BIOS updates unless you're troubleshooting an issue- they have a lot of potential to cause damage if done improperly or a power spike occurs. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend I haven't screwed around with well enough before.

If you are going to update- then I would recommend following the documentation put out by the manufacturer.

My guess is that your board is an ASUS- if so, try following this information they have put out.

I've never seen a board that requires jumping from version to version sequentially- I would go straight to the latest, but you should check your manual.
+1 with Pyro.
not something you just do because there is an update available.
the features listed in the new version should be something your rig will benefit with having.

while rare, BIOS updates can go south, personally I've never had one go pear-shaped and the ones you do hear about you wonder if it was actually PICNIC caused - Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.

it sounds like your BIOS update is worth getting, and yes, you can jump straight to the latest.
the firmware version already installed just gets wiped with the new version, it doesn't do any checking first - which is why you need to make sure you are getting the right version for your mobo.
Speaking of problems: I had an issue where a BIOS update I did (on an ASUS funnily enough) lead to a corrupt boot partition on the drive- always backup important data before undertaking updates like this.
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