After attempting changing cpu pc stops displaying on monitor and won’t power off

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Sorry but was meaning have you made any progress with the testing but fwiw if the CPU looked fine you need to take the computer to a local tech or take a chance and get yourself a replacement CPU that is compatible with the MB, there is no other way of testing the MB I`m afraid 🙁

Thanks for getting back to us, we cannot leave threads open indefinitely and for the following reason/s, forum procedure is to ask for an update when a thread remains unanswered for three days, if still no answer after a further two days a second update request is post along with notice that the thread will be closed if not replied to within 48hrs, we have to have such a procedure to keep the forums in order as some folk will start threads on five or six forums and then abandon all but one of them.

Rather than us keep asking you for an update all the time we will close the thread and reopen it when you are ready, PM a member of staff when you are able to afford the issue some of your time.

Thank you for your understanding.
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