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Pending OP Response 403 Error

I use a program called aTube catcher to download music for certain videos that we do. I've been using the program for many years. But now when I attempt to use it, I get a
403 Error message. I do not have a clue what the issue is? Anyone out there know anything about this? Many thanks!
Either one, their server/website is down, or your internet is down?

You don't seem to be having any issue here at this site.

Also, Eset flags the site as dangerous. If they got hacked recently it could be a recent flag and your Anti Virus is blocking access.

Virus Total from the main download link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/...a16855786640496490d3a8c082dcb40fad9?nocache=1
Thanks for your reply. Do you or anyone have a better suggestion for downloading music, etc off Youtube?
I ran it on this site?


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