
Unchecky 0.4.3

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Are you tired of having to manually uncheck checkboxes of 3rd party offers when installing software? Tired of having installers install adware without you realizing it? This software automatically unchecks all checkboxes for you so you don't have to.
  • Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer.
  • Unchecky warns you when you try to accept a potentially unwanted offer, which makes it less likely to be accepted accidentally.
  • Unchecky automatically updates whenever a new version is available, so you don't have to worry about running the latest version.
To use this software, you only need to install it and it'll automatically run as a service and take care of you. No need to activate it manually.


Make sure to visit their homepage for more information.
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