Reset Google Chrome to default settings

Reset Google Chrome to default settings

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There are many reasons you may need to repair your browser, maybe you had an add-on that caused crashing, or an unwanted application since removed that still causes browser issues, or malware, etc etc. In this guide we will demonstrate how to reset your Google Chrome Browser to its default state. Do be aware that previous customization will be lost because of this procedure.

Start Chrome and click the Customize and control icon, and on the newly opened menu select "Settings"


Scroll the next page to the very bottom and click on "Show advanced Settings"


Again scroll the the bottom of the page and click "Reset Settings"


Deselect the send information to Google box and click "Reset"


A rotating icon will show the reset in progress and the reset dialogue box will close when the reset is complete.

You have now reset Google Chrome to its default settings.

If you have any questions about this guide or any other computer issues please do no hesitate to ask in our forums:)
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