Is your version of Windows 32 or 64 bit?

Is your version of Windows 32 or 64 bit?

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There are several ways to determine your version of Windows, but this guide will show you how to easily obtain and use a tiny free application to show if your version of Windows is 32 or 64 bit.

The application is called OS Detect and as mentioned is free, and portable meaning no installation, and works for Windows 7 through 10.

To download the app head over to HERE and save the tiny file to somewhere you can find later. The desktop may be a good place and if you do it will create a desktop icon similar to this.


Double click the icon and if any security warning dialogues appear you can safely allow the app to run. A panel will open and display details on your version of Windows including its 32 or 64 bit status. With Windows 10 it will include the version and build numbers along with its last major update. The computer used for this guide shows these details.


Clicking on the "Windows 10 History" tab will display a handy reference for the version of Windows 10.


Other versions of Windows will be similar to these examples below.


This app makes it about the easiest way to determine your Windows version status, and if you have any questions about it, or any other computer issues please don't hesitate to ask in our forums.
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