Windows Privacy dashboard.

Windows Privacy dashboard. 1.3.1203

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Windows Privacy Dashboard is one of several apps designed to take control over privacy and other settings in Windows 10. This free app is portable and works on Windows 10 including the latest 1903 update. Windows Privacy Dashboard is available HERE and to give it a try download it to somewhere you can find later. It comes as a .zip file so use your favorite decompressor to unzip the downloaded file where it will create a new folder called "Latest" To run Windows Privacy Dashboard open the new "latest" folder and double click the WPD.exe file.

A little word of caution here first, Windows Privacy Dashboard DOES NOT make backups or restore points before making changes to your system, but it does have the ability to revert any changes made back to default. Even though that ability does make Windows Privacy Dashboard safe to use it would be prudent to maintain regular backups and restore points before making changes.


Windows Privacy Dashboard (WPD) will open and check for any updates for the app, then display the opening dialogue. A notification bell will display the number of recommended changes needed.


WPD is comprised of three basic modules, Privacy, Blocker, and App uninstaller. Clicking the Privacy box brings up an extensive list of setting choices that extend over several pages. At the bottom of the list is a button that will allow disabling of all options, and a button to return to default values. There is a question mark to the right of every option which when clicked gives an explanation of the option.


The sidebar to the left allows navigation to the home page and the three modules of WPD.

The arrow icon is for the Home or opening screen.
The padlock icon is for the privacy module.
The shield icon is for the blocker.
The grid icon is for uninstalling Microsoft apps.

The Blocker module has sections for telemetry settings, Windows update, and Firewall rules.


Finally the Uninstaller allows removal of Windows store apps.


Do be aware that the changes made by WPD may not be permanent as any installed Windows updates may restore some or all settings back to those Microsoft deem as preferred?

If you have any questions of this guide, or any pc issues please do not hesitate to ask in our forums.
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