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Recent content by ZB I know nothing

  1. Z

    Solved How to make a program be on top even when gaming

    If that means "close it" I guess so thanks...
  2. Z

    Solved How to make a program be on top even when gaming

    Well I guess I managed to workout a solution, it is not perfect for all games but works in some that can use borderless window so DimScreen is always on top. Or if the game runs also in windowed I use a third party program that makes windowed games be displayed in borderless so it looks like...
  3. Z

    Solved How to make a program be on top even when gaming

    Hi, I'm a complete noob so please forgive my ignorance. My issue is this: I use an app called DimScreen which is used to lower the brightness of my tv since the lowest setting the TV has is not low enough and my head hurts a lot when playing video games. The problem is that when I open any games...