Recent content by slonslon7

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  1. slonslon7

    Solved Ethernet Not Working

    Hello, Yes, I purchased and installed a new motherboard, CPU and Ram and re-installed got a new fresh start. So everything is all resolved now, thanks very much.
  2. slonslon7

    Solved Ethernet Not Working

    Yes I think it is the ethernet card on the motherboard. Tried everything I could, even just reset windows 10 completely. Going to store now to get new components. Thanks for the help
  3. slonslon7

    Solved Ethernet Not Working

    Hello, I am unable to use the internet on my computer and the ethernet card seems to suddenly not function. In the device manager it shows up as functioning, but troubleshooting and driver updates/rollbacks are not solving the issue. I'm at a loss at what could be causing this and cannot get...
  4. slonslon7

    Solved Cannot delete file, preventing Windows Update

    Safe mode worked! Changed the owner first, then went to safe mode and it deleted without any issue. Starting the windows update process now but we should be able to consider it resolved. Thank you very much for the help.
  5. slonslon7

    Solved Cannot delete file, preventing Windows Update

    Thank you, I just tried this method again (running as admin) but the powershell comes up with 19 results but also an error which I'll paste below. I know the location of the file is C:\Windows\System32\drivers Test-Path : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is an empty string...
  6. slonslon7

    Solved Cannot delete file, preventing Windows Update

    Hello, I'm using Windows 10, and any updates stop installing at 50% due to Avira. However, Avira is completely uninstalled on the system and after reading Microsoft's and Avira's documentation, I found one remnant called "avipbb.sys" in the System32/Drivers folder. I've been unable to...
  7. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Case closed - all solved from here. Thank you so much for the assistance, it was great!
  8. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Sure, I had thought I copied everything but can certainly run it again. Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015 Fichier d'export Registre : Run by SamSwanson at 03/02/2017 12:52:04 AM High Elevated Privileges : OK Windows 8 Business Edition, 64-bit Service Pack...
  9. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015 Fichier d'export Registre : Run by SamSwanson at 03/02/2017 12:34:43 AM High Elevated Privileges : OK Windows 8 Business Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (14393) Recycle Bin emptied (03mn AMs) ========== Registry values...
  10. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    So I reset my browser and it seemed to work well. I had actually been using Chrome Canary version as the official Chrome release wasn't behaving for me. I've checked things out in the new Chrome browser and everything seems normal and free of this problem. When I open the Canary version, I still...
  11. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Thank you very much, the computer cpu type issues seem very well solved. Just checked in the browser (chrome) and still when entering new websites in the omnibar, in the bottom left corner it will quickly say "waiting for xxx.freddysrentals.c0m" The weirdest thing because I've never heard of...
  12. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    FRST fix: Clearlink: RogueKiller:
  13. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Great! Thank you, seems like the tools found some stuff. Here are the reports: JRT: Adware Removal Tool: ZHPCleaner: FRST: Addition:
  14. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Hello. I've been having some malware issues. Have scanned with a host of AM and AV, removed some items but some issues persist: -Some kind of DNS hijacker (RogueKiller finds DHCPnameserver) but it keeps coming back. In chrome before visiting any site it says "waiting for"...