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Recent content by Limbz

  1. L

    3070 FPS issue

    Yeah honestly don’t even know what to do anymore
  2. L

    3070 FPS issue

    Unfortunately game mode hasn’t helped and honestly, if there is a way we can step by step go through everything I think that’s the only thing that would help cuz afyer following advice online, my frames have ACC gone lower
  3. L

    3070 FPS issue

    Sadly cant
  4. L

    3070 FPS issue

    I play wirelessly as wired is not a possibility for me, yes it is 240 hz. I will try turning game made on, I’ve been told that it’s worse with it but I’ll give it a shot.
  5. L

    3070 FPS issue

  6. L

    3070 FPS issue

    guys i think i have identified the issue, my cpu and gpu % is considerably slow its is at 30% making it clear that there is a bottle neck issue. Is there a solution to get higher usage or optimize in a way where gpu and cpu are used more.
  7. L

    3070 FPS issue

    And is there a reason I should be on balanced instead of high performance
  8. L

    3070 FPS issue

    Changed my power plan, is there anything else I can do
  9. L

    3070 FPS issue

    Read through it, my settings are identical except for the dlss as turning that on quality has ACC lowered my fps
  10. L

    3070 FPS issue

    No it is not, the person who built it for me used a code for enterprise. Windows is upto date. I actually did disable avast this one time just to test it, it didn’t make any noticeable difference. Sure, let me try reading through that.
  11. L

    3070 FPS issue

  12. L

    3070 FPS issue

    This is the power supply. Should I download that run it on my pc ?
  13. L

    3070 FPS issue

    And the evga xc3 ultra 3070 tri fan, sorry not too familiar with the tech, best I could do^
  14. L

    3070 FPS issue

  15. L

    3070 FPS issue

    Hey guys I play comp Cold War, I have a 3070 , 3700 x combo and consistently get under 200 FPS on all low settings. I have overclocked and am open to core and memory clock suggestions. Would appreciate help to get up to that 200 mark