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Recent content by JureFlex

  1. J

    Pc performance slows down

    I have windows 10 education edition. Will try also clean booting it, but to know if it works i have to wait for about a month because the problem didnt happen so often
  2. J

    Pc performance slows down

    I am sure i dont have any updates pending, for any drivers or windows because I updated them all the task manager didnt show much of a difference in usage, the only peak in cpu and memory was the game but thats always when that is opened, but the glitch happens monthly will try to do the...
  3. J

    Pc performance slows down

    I doubt, all processes slow down, even the non-internet ones. The system responsivnes is also much slower and ingame performance from stable 190 to low 5 fps.
  4. J

    Pc performance slows down

    1. idont know if its windows or hardware or other software 2. game performance and overall system speed drops from 200fps to 1-5fps, sound becomes laggy, stuttering. I have managed to check the temperatures and and occupation in task manager but there isnt anything out of the ordinary. 3. When i...