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Recent content by ferodemopanxd

  1. ferodemopanxd

    I need some advice for upgrading a very old pc.

    You guys are right LOL 50 bucks is nothing X`P I'm wanting too much I don't think I'll ever have the money to upgrade it by a significant amount or buy a new one, at least for... The next few years ಥ‿ಥ But it's fine, seriously. It's not that slow, and sometimes it surprises me. I'm trying some...
  2. ferodemopanxd

    I need some advice for upgrading a very old pc.

    Sorry, my PSU is a tda power atx 500w, I mostly want to record gameplay with OBS, edit videos and use 3d animation software. So far honestly it serves me well enough, can't really go all out with my video editing software, but it's okay I guess. the only really bad exception is when recording...
  3. ferodemopanxd

    I need some advice for upgrading a very old pc.

    Hi! This is my current pc (lol, I know it's bad, it's more than 10 years old) . Motherboard: P7H55-M CPU: Intel core i3 530 @2.84Ghz (2 cores 4 threads) RAM: 12,0 GB (used to be 4gb, upgraded recently) Graphics card: GeForce GT 730 (didn't even have that, I recently bought it.) Windows 10 on 120...